Configuring a Yealink T32G, T38G, T42G, T46G IP Phone to register with your PBX:
- Start up your Yealink IP phone and identify its IP address. To find your phone’s IP address, simply press the OK key on the phone. Point your browser to the web interface of your Yealink G series phone (for example:
- Enter your phone’s login credentials – username and password is admin by default.
- Click on the Account tab.
- Make sure that the Account field is set to "Account 1". The below steps show you how to configure the fields:
- Set the Line Active field to "Enabled".
- Set the Label field to the name you want to appear on your Yealink’s screen (e.g. Barry).
- Set the Display Name field to the name you want to appear on another phone’s screen when calling other phones that are connected to your PBX system.
- Set the Register Name field to the extension number.
- Set the User Name field to the extension number.
- Set the Password field to the extension’s secret.
- Ensure the NAT Traversal field is set to "Disabled".
- Set the SIP Server field to your PBX system's domain (for example,
- Set the SIP Server Port field to "5060".
Once you’ve entered all the details in the accounts page click on Confirm and wait until your Yealink phone applies your newly configured settings. A power cycle on the phone may be required if it does not automatically reboot.