After you create an extension, the extension will need to be either registered to a soft-phone or provisioned to a hard-phone.
To access the Extensions page, do the following:
- Login to your PBX Admin Portal.
- i.e. customer.freevociepbx.com/maint
(replace customer with your system's actual subdomain)
- Go to PBX > PBX Setup > Extensions.
The required information to create a new extension is the following:
- User Extension (extension number)
- Display Name
Recommended settings to have configured with an extension:
- Outbound CID (input direct phone number to extension, if applicable)
- Recording Incoming = Always
- Recording Outgoing = Always
- User Portal (check all of the following):
- Allow
- Allow Dashboard
- Allow Call History
- Allow Faxing
- Allow Phonebook
- Voicemail:
- Status = Enabled
- Voicemail Password = (digits you prefer)
- Email Address = user's email address
- Email Attachment = Yes
- Allow Review = Yes
- Transcribe Voicemail = Yes
Add Extension
Most VoIP Phones will use the Generic SIP Device.
*this includes Polycom, Aastra, Cisco, Grandstream, Snom, and Linksys devices.
For IAX Phones, use Generic IAX Device.
These are devices that use the IAX2 protocol, like Digium's IAXY ATA.
For Analog Extensions, use the Generic ZAP Device. Use this to configure FXS (analog stations) ports installed with Digium, Sangoma, or Rhino cards.
For other custom extensions use Other Device. This is for advanced programmers.
Configure the extension as required.
When done, save the new extension.
(using S.A.C. - Submit Changes, Apply Configuration Changes, Continue Reload)
- User Extension
We recommend a 3 digit minimum for the extension number and they cannot start with 0.
This number must not conflict with any extensions, feature codes, ring groups, or queues.
If the user will have a direct phone number, we recommend the extension number to match the last 3 or 4 digits of the phone number.
- Display Name
This is the name that will appear for the caller ID of this extension, it will also be used for the company directory if the extension has voicemail configured.
Assigned DID/CID
- DID Description - The logical identifier for the assigned DID.
This will be the full 10-digit phone number.
All calls to the number assigned here will ring directly to this extension.
*These fields store information, they do not configure.
Extension Options
- Outbound CID
Use this to set the caller ID number shown for this extension on outbound phone calls. The extension will still be shown on internal calls.
- Emergency CID
Use this to set the caller ID for this extension on calls to 911.
Device Options
- Secret
The secure password for registering the extension to a phone device. Each extension will have their own unique password.
This will be the password used to register your extension to your softphone.
- DTMF mode
Leave at the default rfc2833, if the device does not seem to recognize DTMF tones check this field.
Fax Options
- Fax
Choose to enable faxing for the extension and set an e-mail to forward your incoming faxes to.
Dictation Service
- Dictation Service
Enable or Disable the dictation feature for this extension.
- Dictation Format
Select the file type used for dictation recordings.
- Dictation Email Address
Select the email address to send the dictations.
Recording Options
- Recording Incoming/Outgoing Calls
Set Call recording options for inbound and outbound calls for this extension.
The default is "On Demand", which allows the user to dial *1 while on a call to activate recording.
(must press *1 again to end recording, otherwise the call will not record)
"Always" and "Never" are the other options.
- Status
Disable or Enable the voicemail box for this extension.
- Voicemail Password
Set the voicemail password for this device.
This should be a number to allow the user to check the voicemail from the phone.
- Email Address
Set the email address to send voicemail message notifications
- Email Attachment
Select Yes to have the voicemail attached to the email as a sound file.
- Allow Review
Allows callers to review their messages by pressing "#" after they are done.
- Delete Voicemail
Select yes if this extension will only check their voicemail messages through email, and messages will never be checked through the phone. This option will ensure the extension's voicemail box never fills up.
- Transcribe Voicemail
Adds a text transcription of the voicemail, which can be seen in the user's User Portal and Email Notification.
Save the New Extension. (using S.A.C - Submit Changes, Apply Configuration Changes, Continue Reload)