SIP Peers

The SIP Peers indicates whether your extensions are connected and registered for use on the PBX System.

Accessing the SIP Peers

  1. Login to the PBX Admin Portal.
    • i.e.
      (replace customer with your system's actual subdomain)
  2. Go to PBX > PBX Info > SIP Peers.

Below are the most important columns to refer to on the SIP Peers when it comes to connectivity:


This column shows the Extensions on your system, as well as other system trunks/servers.


This column indicates what network ip address the extension is connecting from. If it says "(Unspecified)", then the extension is not connected/registered.


This column indicates the speed/delay in connectivity of the extension from the PBX System to the Host location.

If the Status says "UNKNOWN", this means the extension is not connected/registered.

If the Status ever reaches (200 ms) or higher, this usually indicates a high latency or packet loss issue on your network, which can be a primary cause for connectivity and/or call quality issues.

If you happen to experience any connectivity or call quality issues with any of your Extensions and notice an indication of high latency/packet loss with any of your Extensions within the SIP Peers, please contact your Network Administrator and/or Internet Service Provider to help diagnose and troubleshoot your issue.

To learn how to setup your users for optimal connectivity and call quality, please click here.